I launched Communications Rebel six months ago, in January 2013. A good time to look back on what the rebel tribe has accomplished so far. And a perfect time to say THANK YOU to all who’ve supported the evolution of the rebel spirit and to those who’ve been kicking my butt into action over the past months.

Here’s to all communications rebels
Who are not afraid to speak with their true voice
Who are passionate about their mission
And live it, breathe it, embrace it
Every day

Here’s to all communications rebels
The misfits, the unconventional thinkers, the visionaries
Who use words to do good
And wouldn’t have it any other way

Here’s to all communications rebels
Who say it with conviction
Who don’t make compromises for the sake of fitting in
But do everything wholeheartedly

Here’s to you, communications rebel,
A peaceful warrior of words that inspire
Others to action
And to change for the better

Continue your journey, rebels!

Remember: Your secret weapon is your true voice.

I’m blessed to be part of your journey.

Thanks. Danke. Namaste.

A shout-out to my Communications Rebel tribe: Awesome entrepreneurs, change-makers and inspiring individuals who are making the world a better place one rebel action at a time.

gorilla collectiveBritta Wein at Lunapads.de

Jon Sookocheff at www.jonsookocheff.com

Dr. Claudia Wendt at Grünerzaubertrank.de

Marlene McKee at bodyiqonline.com

Elizabeth Bean at Elizabeth Bean Photography

Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald at Santa Monica Wellness

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If you would like to have one-on-one direct access to me and dive into discovering your true voice, consider participating in a rebel session for heart-centered entrepreneurs and business owners who desire purpose and profit.