I see so many people think of personal branding as this exercise where they need to create a public persona that is not even a faint reflection of their real personality.

It’s important for people to realize: personal branding has everything to do with your true voice, your values, and your authentic self, including your so-called failures, setbacks, and insecurities.

Because that’s where REAL connections are made – people crave a real person, not the highlight reel of a spruced up image.

Of course, it’s generally easier to fabricate a polished public facade, which is why so many people mistakenly fall for that particular version of a personal brand. I’m on a mission to rescue you from rather meaningless impersonal branding and show you the path to a personal brand that is all YOU.

A Facebook Live Series On True Voice

Tune in every Wednesday at 3pm EST for my Facebook Live. And let’s explore this new perspective on personal branding further.

A personal brand that is a reflection of everything that you are, including your so-called failings or weaknesses.

Because once you embrace your true voice, a magical thing will happen.

You will do you!

You can show up as your true self, celebrate your wins, own your mistakes, and don’t have to worry about potentially rubbing someone the wrong way.

You true voice serves as your compass to making true connections.

Let’s talk about how this whole TRUE VOICE thing works and get you on the road to meaningful relationships, a meaningful business, and a meaningful career.