Writing Lessons from Stephen King

Writing Lessons from Stephen King

How do you hone your writing skills? And that’s not a rhetorical question. I encourage you to think about what you do every day to become a better writer? Yeah, you heard that right. It takes a daily commitment to the craft if you want to grow as a writer. That...
Why It’s Your Duty to Speak Up

Why It’s Your Duty to Speak Up

Did you know that today is World Press Freedom Day? The United Nations declared May 3 World Press Freedom Day to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of press. Today, we remind governments of their duty to respect and uphold the right to freedom of expression....
Stop Bullshitting Yourself

Stop Bullshitting Yourself

I recently stumbled upon a TEDx talk by Kathleen Taylor who is encouraging us to rethink the bucket list. Taylor is a licensed mental health counselor who has worked in the nonprofit healthcare and social services sector for over 20 years. In her TEDx talk she shares...
Do Press Releases Work?

Do Press Releases Work?

The word on the street is: press releases are so 2001. Before we all started hanging out on Facebook, blogs and Google+ Hangouts, companies and PR agencies would send out press releases via email or even snail mail to announce the latest and greatest news to the...
Ditch the M-Word

Ditch the M-Word

Many creative entrepreneurs, self-employed professionals and even mid-size business owners shudder with disgust when it comes to marketing themselves. Clients often tell me that they don’t want to come across as a sleazy salesman type of person when they engage in...