You’re probably familiar with this scenario: You started your own business or personal brand not too long ago. You’ve been working hard to get your biz rolling and had some successes along the way. Now you’re ready to conquer the world and spread the good news…

But you have no idea what that “news” actually is. What story do you pitch to bloggers or reporters? What’s the right topic for a press release? How do you find an angle that conveys more than just “hey, I’m in business”?

Your WHY determines your news topics

Google NewsWell, a lot of my clients find themselves in the same scenario. In fact, I just talked to a new client in Cologne, Germany, last week who is struggling with finding compelling topics for her press outreach. And here’s what I told her: Remember, “news” is any noteworthy, useful, timely or informative content that will shed light onto WHY you started your business. People don’t buy your WHAT, they buy your WHY. Figure out why people work with you and why they connect with your business.

Your WHY determines your news topics. The reasons why people buy from you are your news. The reasons why you created your business are your news. And the story behind your brand is your news.

Whether you’re a tech start-up, a brand new retail business or a consultant who’s offering services online, you got into your biz for a reason. That reason, that WHY, is where you’ll find your news topics.

Great Press Release Topics

Want more inspiration on some great press release topics that you should be writing about in your press releases and your pitches to bloggers and reporters?

Here’s a list of ideas for news topics that will highlight your company’s WHY and generate buzz for you:

  1. What problem does your company or product solve in the world?
  2. Look at trends in your industry and write about how your product or service ties in with current trends. Or do you maybe go against a current trend with your business? If so, explain why.
  3. What milestones have you accomplished since you started your business? Why are those milestones significant for your customers?
  4. Have you formed any strategic partnerships or alliances? If so, explain why.
  5. Do you have an anniversary coming up? Like a 1-year anniversary since launch, or a product that’s been on the market for 6 months? Write about it. And don’t just tell us that you’re celebrating but emphasize why you’re celebrating.
  6. Have any sales going on? Announce it. And make sure to tell your customers why you’re offering these sales. Like it’s not just summer sales; it’s sales so that your customers can get what they need to experience an awesome summer. See the difference?
  7. Do you offer any free consultations, a free e-book, trial offers or samples? Make it known. Again, tell us what your intention behind those freebies is.
  8. Tell us an inspirational story of overcoming a major challenge. How did you do it?
  9. Planning to exhibit at a trade show or attend an event? Tell us about it so that we can be there to meet with you and cheer you on.
  10. Showcase a selection of your products or your services. Feature your offerings and write about why you’d recommend them to your audience.
  11. Got a new website or a significant adjustment or addition to your existing website? Let us know and tell us why you made the change and how it will benefit your web visitors.

I hope you’re feeling inspired now. If you want to dig deeper and need help coming up with a list of news topics for your business specifically, book a one-on-one rebel session with me, and we’ll get the publicity ball rolling for you.

Rebel on!

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photo credit: Spencer E Holtaway via photopin cc