As I am going through the process of a re-brand, a lot of “a-ha” moments have been coming my way. One of those “a-has” happened as I was chewing over my new logo design.I wanted my logo to express my ambition and what I stand for. And I knew my logo was in the right hands when I hired superstar designer Margo Graxeda.

The word trustTogether, we dove into ideas, inspiration, and first comps. I truly enjoyed the creative process that helped unfurl new perspectives and insights on how I wanted to express myself in my business.

As Margo and I discussed different design directions, I realized it’s one thing to say “you want a design that represents who you truly are” and another thing to live and breathe that design. I was about to settle for one (very excellent!) design when it hit me: “It’s not right. If I want it to be who I say I am, I need a design that embodies exactly that.”

It helped that at the time I was reading Danielle LaPorte’s Fire Starter Sessions. Danielle reminded me that “normal is boring” and that I shouldn’t be afraid of who I really am because if you tap into your original self, things start to fall into place. You will walk the walk more smoothly and with more pizzaz.

So how can you make sure your logo or any creative work for that matter is a true representation of you really are?

Trust your gut instincts!

A lot of our creative work is influenced by the outer voices that we’re constantly exposed to: What do others think about us and our work? While it’s important to consider your audience’s preferences, you should start with this: How do YOU feel about your work or product or logo?

I mean, how do you really FEEL about it?

Step away from other people’s opinions, so-called industry standards, and current trends for a moment and take time to turn inward. What emotions does your creation stir up? Do you feel giddy with excitement when you look at your product, website, flyer, business card, you name it? Do you have butterflies in your stomach when thinking about all the great experiences that could come from this?

If you feel genuinely connected to your work, you know you’ve hit that sweet spot. And that’s ultimate happiness! The ultimate true you, baby!

When I saw the logo design that had me experience these emotions and made me go “Oh yeah! That’s it!” without a flicker of a doubt, I knew I had arrived at the right place. Get to that place, and your mojo will shine and inspire others.

photo credit: vagawi  via photopin cc

This post initially appeared on grennimedia, now Communications Rebel, on October 26, 2012.

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